Six Month Baby Update: My Favorite Things

My baby turned SIX MONTHS the other day and I'm not super emotional, but I am in awe of how a few pounds can TOTALLY change a baby.

Each night after she goes to bed, I usually scroll through the very first photos and videos of her and show my husband. We both just say, "Wow . . . she was SO tiny." 

Now, my baby is rolling, kicking, pulling, whining, laughing, scooting, and more. 

I have also changed a lot within six months. I'm learning more about the type of mom I am. And that's a psycho, worrying, controlling, Googling mom . . . for now. 

For example, my baby is on a pretty tight schedule, as most of my family members could tell you. I follow her "wake windows" and I will wake her up if she's getting too much day sleep. BUT she sleeps 11-12 hours a night, so that's working for us. 

Another example, my baby is NOT a cuddly baby and can maybe sit on you for 1-2 minutes before she wants to get up and move. Even when a baby show is on or a musical show on TV, she can't sit still and watch it. And maybe that's just her age, but when she was a baby we put her down to sleep from a very early age. When she fell asleep in my arms, even before she was 1 month old, we'd lay her in the Dockatot in the living room with us and just watch her sleep. Maybe she got used to sleeping alone like that? By age 3 months, we were able to put her down drowsy but awake and she could fall asleep on her own with the pacifier. 

I think with my next baby I'll hold them longer and not try to put them down so fast. I'm hoping my baby becomes cuddly soon! 

Anyway, I wanted to keep my blog alive and write more about being a mom and having a baby. Here are some things we use every day or weekly with our baby!


Hatch Rest sound machine, nightlight, wake up song

I want more of these for our kids, but it does make the house sound loud sometimes! So if you have visitors and use white noise just let them know you have it going

Dr. Brown's bottles they do take a bit more to clean, but they've been great for her!

Skip Hop Activity Center we recently got this and she uses it every day! For babies who can hold their head up, probably 4-6 months is a good starter age

NoseFrida sucks all the boogers out!

This and saline drops together is great, we don't use it as much anymore but definitely did the first four months

Baby Sleep Sacks/Bags Since she isn't swaddled anymore we have her in sleep bags at naps and nighttime, we just put her in and zip up! We have a Woolino, a Halo Sleep Sack, and an Ergopouch! I just want a bunch of random ones so we can clean them and have them on a cycle

Stroller fan We just got a stroller fan because AZ gets HOT and I still want to take her in the carseat and in the stroller. She laughs every time it's on and it definitely keeps her cool

Blackout curtains We got some on Amazon but we also put up contact paper over the window for double darkness. She takes her naps in her room (did that starting around 3-and-half or 4 months). It also keeps the room cool!

Angelcare Tub We use this tub for all her baths and we'll use it until she can sit up in it!

There are so many other things we use a lot: a play mat and toys and Bumbo seat and IKEA high chair and teethers, etc. Every baby is different but right now my baby just wants a plastic water bottle or remote! So don't go crazy buying fun colorful toys. They just want the computer or the empty box most of the time. 

Six months have gone by slow and fast at the same time. Her personality is really coming forward, and I'm hoping we see some teeth and crawling in the next few months! 


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